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Distributor's Link Magazine Winter 2025 / Vol 48 No 1


48THE DISTRIBUTOR’S LINKBAY SUPPLY A DIVISION OF BAY FASTENING SYSTEMS30 Banfi Plaza North, Farmingdale, NY 11735TEL 516-294-4100 FAX 516-294-3448 EMAIL WEB www.baysupply.comDEMYSTIFYING MONOBOLT RIVETS AND THEIRINSTALLATION TOOLS by Mike Eichinger, COOChoosing fasteners that are easy to install and don’trequire special tools will save you time and money. Offthe-shelffasteners deliver outstanding performance, andwhen you find the right fastener for the job, be sure itdoesn’t require specialized equipment. Otherwise, youwill have to spend money on tools and training.Avdel® Monobolt® blind, multigrip fasteners areextremely popular for applications that require safetyand performance. The Huck Magna-Lok blind rivet isalso popular because it provides a strong and waterresistantjoint. While both the Monobolt rivet and theMagna-Lok can be used for similar applications, onesignificant difference is that the Monobolt requiresspecial nosepieces to install, and you can install theMagna-Lok using standard nosepieces.Know The Difference Before You OrderThe Monobolt rivet and Magna-Lok are both blindstructural rivets, but differences are worth noting whenchoosing the best fastener for a specific application.The Avdel Monobolt is a structural blind rivet with alocked breakstem and a positive hole fill for heavy-dutyapplications. It requires a special tip for the rivet tool tocorrectly install and lock the mandrel inside the rivet’sbody. The Monobolt rivet is made of stainless steel, andsome include a molybdenum alloy for better corrosionresistance.Key features and benefits of the Monobolt worthconsidering include:¤ Protruding head or countersunk style¤ Multigrip capability¤ High shear and tensile strength¤ Visible lock for quick and easy inspection¤ Excellent hole fill via expanded body¤ Stem that mechanically locks into the body¤ Ability to compensate for irregular, oversized,or misaligned holes¤ Vibration resistanceThe Magna-Lok is also a hole-filling structural blindrivet, but it doesn’t require a specialty nosepiece.The locking mechanism has been engineered into thefastener to eliminate tools and operator efforts. Thefastener comes in stainless steel, steel, or aluminumand is designed to create an internal lock duringinstallation, eliminating pin pushout by mechanicallylocking the pin to the sleeve. The Magna-Lok is availablein several sizes and grip ranges and features an internal,360-degree solid-circle lock that ensures a flush pinbreak and uniform blindside footprint.TECHNICAL ARTICLE CONTINUED ON PAGE 49

THE DISTRIBUTOR’S LINK 49BAY SUPPLY DEMYSTIFYING MONOBOLT RIVETS AND THEIR INSTALLATION TOOLS from page 48The Magna-Lok Offers Several Benefits:¤ A unique circle lock feature, which means youcan verify proper installation with a quick visualinspection¤ Ability to be installed with conventional tools¤ Unmatched installation speed¤ Fewer repetitive stress injuries¤ Vibration and moisture resistanceOther fasteners have similar features, includingthe Klik-Lok®, POP Ultra Grip®, Olympic Mega-Grip, andAvdel Interlock®.Use The Right Tool TipOther features differentiate the Monobolt rivet andthe Magna-Lok. The Monobolt has a flared end and acounterbore, whereas the Magna-Lok has a rounded endand no counterbore.Using the correct tip for installation is essential.If you install a Monobolt with a conventional nosetip,the mandrel won’t lock properly, and the fastener willcome apart, especially with steady vibration. It will alsodamage the rivet tool. Similarly, if you try to install aMagna-Lok rivet with a Monobolt tip, you can damage thetool.Bay Supply stocks a complete line of rivets, blindbolts, lockbolts (with and without pintails), and otherfasteners. You can find the structural lockbolts and rivetsfor any job on the Bay Supply Marketplace. It also allowsyou to work directly with distributors and manufacturersto collaborate on quotes and orders.BAY SUPPLY


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